Professional Services Company

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When our client, a world-leading professional services company, were looking to bring an additional business unit into their existing premises, they required a part refurbishment of their workplace.

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Professional Services Company


Office Design, Construction


5,000 Sq ft


London, UK

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The brief

Working with project manager Francis Hunter, Area were tasked with delivering the project as a detail and build process. The refurbishment needed to provide a collaborative and relaxed working environment for the client’s sales team and their clients who were going to use the space.

The solution

Tasked with developing the design created by Francis Hunter, an initial exploratory phase was carried out to review the specified finishes. As a result, alternative options were proposed to ensure a value engineered solution was delivered. The outcome managed to retain the original design intent and quality, but also reduced the project’s overall cost.

Originally a café, the space in need of refurbishment was stripped back to Cat A reinstatement before Cat B works were undertaken. The end result is a high end, modern meeting and lounge workspace for their sales team. Encouraging their clients to come and use the facility, the forward-facing working area provides a relaxed and convivial environment for both informal and formal meetings.

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Project insight

Darren Sansom, Project Director at Area commented, “This was the first time that the client had developed a working environment like this, and it was a great pleasure to be able to deliver this unique and inspiring workspace for them. The variety of modern working areas, which includes relaxed breakout areas, part-open project pods, and closed meeting rooms, fully supports users of the space and provides them with a great client-facing facility.”

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