Coworking Space Design

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The visionary coworking space design of tomorrow, executed with proven construction and supply chain wisdom.

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Module 1 Large

We're adaptive and flexible

Just like our coworking clients, our approach to each project is holistic. We seek to encompass environmental, social, and economic factors alongside wellbeing, productivity and flexible working. Coworking space design demands a transcendence between creativity and an extensive procurement, construction, and supply chain background. These are fields we have decades of experience in.

Module 2 Large
Module 2 Small

Your vision is our inspiration

We work with established operators and new companies that have a clear vision. This sector is thriving and offers an excellent breadth of creative freedom. We capitalise on this to make a positive impact on the workplace environment. We incorporate innovative coworking space design schemes infused with technology to make shared spaces that are both flexible and efficient.

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The future of office design

Companies are adapting to new ways of working through hybrid employment and coworking spaces. We comprehend our clients' needs and endeavour to create an environment that caters to the bespoke requirements of your business. Our coworking space design service incorporates the latest trends in innovation and style to rebuild office spaces according to the new ways of working.

Coworking Space Design FAQs

How to create a successful coworking space through design?

To create a successful coworking space, you must consider the needs of the business, how many people will be sharing the space and various factors that can enhance productivity, collaboration, but also the adaptability for both quiet or remote working. The most important thing is that everyone feels comfortable in their environment.

Strong areas of focus may include:

  • Layout and space planning - Accommodating your space to different working needs and preferences through breakout spaces, meeting rooms, collaboration areas, as well as quiet zones.

  • Furniture and furnishings - Ensuring that your coworking space is built for both comfort and productivity, with versatile workstations.

  • Technology integration - From fast, reliable internet connectivity, to soundproof meeting rooms, including both individual and larger spaces with an audio system and monitor setup.

  • Community areas - Planning for communal areas where colleagues can socialise and relax as well as creating individual work zones.

What are coworking spaces?

Coworking spaces are shared working environments where either one, usually larger business, or multiple businesses share an office space. Many companies now utilise coworking office spaces for environmental, economical, or collaborative purposes. These cooperative spaces allow for both collaboration and independant working, therefore acting multi-purposely for each business.

What are the advantages of coworking office spaces?

There are many advantages of coworking spaces and a lot of businesses are moving towards this flexible, adaptive way of working. Some of the benefits include:

  • Flexibility - coworking spaces are highly flexible and offer both collaboration and independant working.

  • Community - sharing a space with a variety of businesses allows you to connect with a range of different people, and engage with individuals outside of your organisation.

  • Environmentally-friendly - a shared office space produces significantly less energy compared to multiple, individual buildings.

  • Economically sustainable - costs are lower in regards to rent, bills and office maintenance and in many cases, you can choose what your membership includes.

  • Wellbeing - creating a social environment and atmosphere for people to work in helps to promote positive wellbeing.