iTech Media

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Nestled amidst the bustling streets of Camden, iTech Media's new workplace emerges as a captivating haven where creativity thrives. With meticulous attention to detail, we have crafted a space that seamlessly aligns with their brand's intrinsic values, while exuding an awe-inspiring 'wow' factor that leaves a lasting impression from the very moment you step through the front door.

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iTech Media


Workplace Consultancy, Office Design, Furniture, Construction


10,000 Sq ft


London, UK

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Crafting a dynamic space for collaboration and socialisation

iTech Media, a leading digital marketing company, approached us with a unique brief to create a dedicated space within their Camden offices that would serve as a dynamic catalyst for collaboration and socialisation among their diverse teams. In close partnership with the iTech Media committee, 360 Workplace and MFive Consulting, our team meticulously navigated the design process, leaving no stone unturned in ensuring the fulfilment of their unique requirements and aspirations.

iTech Media were looking to create a dedicated space where they could promote collaboration and encourage team catch-ups - a space that would foster both formal and informal interactions. Tasked with this objective, we undertook the challenge of delivering a design that effortlessly transitioned from a collaborative workspace into an enchanting entertainment area capable of accommodating up to 150 people.

In addition to its versatility and adaptability, iTech Media wanted a captivating space that would immediately capture the attention and imagination of anyone entering the space.

A discreet entrance, a captivating experience

iTech Media wanted their new workplace to remain discreet from the outside world, while captivating their people and visitors with an exciting experience as they step through its doors. Balancing the scales between a bold interior design and a discreet entrance became the defining challenge for our design team.

We reimagined the entry as a gateway to the iTech Media’s world. We reconfigured the existing doorway by replacing it with a new sleek and captivating dark entry that perfectly blends with and embodies the surrounding area of Camden. The only branding visible on the door is the iTech logo, which is subtly incorporated into the door handle. Stepping into the space, the hallway is intentionally blacked-out creating a sense of anticipation and secrecy.
Once you turn the corner, the space opens up into a vibrant collaborative area with yoga studio, bar, stage, and breakout spaces. Vivid oranges and blues are splashed across walls and furnishings, breathing life into the environment. Neon lights, like pulsating strokes of brilliance, evoke a sense of wonder and limitless potential.

To ensure the utmost privacy and maintain an air of intrigue, every window on the ground floor is meticulously frosted, safeguarding the sense of confidentiality and creating a captivating air of mystery.

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Engaging atmosphere, vibrant identity

The space exudes a vibrant visually captivating atmosphere, thoughtfully designed to engage and inspire. Bold colours and consistent branding elements take centre stage, infusing the space with an unmistakable sense of identity and belonging. The chosen colour palette showcases prominently features blues and oranges, infusing the environment with energy and creativity. ITech's distinctive “burple” colour, a mixture of blue and purple, acts as a unifying thread, boldly displayed throughout the space, most notably in the staircase that connects the ground to the lower ground floor. This deliberate design choice not only maintains a consistent visual language but also amplifies iTech's brand presence, leaving an indelible impression on all who enter the space.

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Versatility through thoughtful furniture choices

To ensure flexibility and adaptability, the choice of furniture was crucial in the design process. Every piece of furniture was carefully selected and crafted to facilitate effortless reconfigurations within the space. Working closely Sketch Studios, we ensured the furniture choices aligned with iTech Media’s vision.

A notable feature in achieving versatility was the implementation of concealed casters on the joinery, which allows the entire space to be easily transformed or reconfigured. Whether it is rearranging collaborative workstations, creating breakout areas, or setting up an entertainment space, the movable joinery provides a practical and efficient solution. Designed with a dual-purpose feature is the reception desk on the ground floor that can seamlessly transition into a bar, creating a social hub during informal gatherings or events. The staging area is also designed to serve multiple purposes as it can be used as a collaborative workspace where teams can brainstorm and exchange ideas, fostering creativity and collaboration.

iTech Media’s new workplace is an innovative and dynamic space that caters to their unique needs, while fostering collaboration, creativity, and a sense of excitement: an office space that inspires and motivates. This work environment is designed to facilitate growth, creativity and success for their teams, leaving a long-lasting impact on both employees and visitors alike.

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