Reward Gateway

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Reward Gateway


Office Design, Construction


5,800 Sq ft


London, UK

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The brief

Working with some of the world’s biggest brands on their employee engagement programmes, Reward Gateway’s mission is to make the world a happier place to work by helping employers attract, engage and retain the best talent. The onus is on getting people to love where they work and we were tasked with delivering a workspace that does just that.

The solution

Staff engagement, employee retention, open and honest communications are of vital importance to the employee engagement experts at Reward Gateway; and these core values have been mirrored in the design of the brand new workspace. The lively space pushes the boundaries of focus, collaboration, contemplation and performance.

Housing 85 employees, the flexible and agile working model works in tandem with the versatile space supporting the mobile workforce in a way that maximises the square footage and promotes a sense of organisational energy. An intentional “collision course” breaks up the space and enables people to work with those they might not otherwise encounter. There is a natural synergy between the personality of the brand, the spatial aesthetics and the colour pallet.

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Project insight

Designed with the user in mind, Reward Gateway’s new workplace includes a number of spaces, which support staff wellbeing including a secret garden, a reflection room, and an on-site library. Located within the heart of the office space is a full staffed HR Hero café, which has been designed to encourage interaction between staff and their clients. In addition, state-of-the-art technology is used throughout, which includes a fully equipped TV and photography studio, whilst meeting rooms are enhanced with the latest cable and controller-free video conferencing technology, helping London based employees to more easily collaborate with the 350 global workforce.

To find out more watch Reward Gateway’s project video -

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